Solar Technology

An award winning, UK based company at the forefront of solar engineering and innovation.
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Established in 2000, Solar Technology International is an award winning, UK based company at the forefront of solar engineering and innovation. We are always looking for new and exciting ways to extend the usage of ‘off grid’ solar solutions to power our everyday lives. Whether working in the office, field, stable or garden, camping, cruising, climbing a mountain or horse riding, we have a solution for you.

We are proud to work with 1000’s of the best known resellers, distributors, manufacturers and OEM customers and our products can be found across the globe from deserts to the poles, the Himalaya to developing countries and back to the UK!

A growing part of our work is helping companies develop their unique solar application (OEM). We are happy to accept a basic design concept and work with the client to develop this into a specific brief from where detailed costings are produced, hand samples and prototypes made, packaging solutions agreed and final production delivered.

We are a totally customer focused group of individuals with a unique understanding of solar, its capabilities and its limitations. So whether you are considering stocking our products or require our involvement to help you bring to market the next “big thing” in solar innovation, our commitment to quality, service and to you, our client, is total!

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